Nisha Doshi

Százhalombatta, Hungary

The site of Százhalombatta is an important Early and Middle Bronze Age fortified tell settlement on the western bank of the River Danube, to the south of Budapest. Excavation has investigated accumulated house floors and daub walls, as well as a complex sequence of hearths, pottery and organic matter.

Thwing, East Yorkshire, UK

The village of Thwing is located in the midst of the rich archaeological landscape of the chalk hills of the East Yorkshire Wolds. Geophysical survey at Thwing has shed light on the layout of an extensive Iron Age ladder settlement, while excavation has focused on a Romano-British stone building, including quantities of painted plaster, and surrounding ditches and midden deposits.

Over, Cambridgeshire, UK

Excavation to the north of the village of Over forms part of a multi-disciplinary study of the prehistoric landscape of the lower Great Ouse Valley. Extensive sampling and excavation by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit at Over have revealed a complex landscape, including a Bronze Age fieldsystem, barrows and settlement features.

The 2004-2006 excavations at Over and nearby Barleycroft Farm formed the basis of my BA dissertation.

Fregellae, Lazio, Italy

The Colonia Latina at Fregellae was founded in 328 BC and destroyed after a revolt against Rome in 125 BC, providing a key example of middle republican urbanisation in Italy. Geophysical and topographical survey forms part of the British School at Rome's Roman Towns Project, which aims to achieve a comparative study of Roman urban centres and nucleated sites. The 2005 season focused on the forum area and also identified the comitium and city walls.

Teano, Campania, Italy

The town of Teano, Campania, Italy, is located on a rock outcrop on the southeastern slopes of the extinct volcano of Roccamonfinahas. Geophysical and topographical survey have revealed extensive Roman settlement from the town of Teanum Sidicinum.

Freckenham, Suffolk, UK

Total station
Magnetometry and topographical survey at the village of Freckenham, Suffolk, identified prehistoric barrows and potential medieval defensive earthworks.

St. Leonard's Hospital, York, UK

St. Leonard's
Excavation in the west corner of the Roman legionary fortress at York investigated a World War II air raid shelter, Victorian archaeological garden, the undercroft and infirmary of medieval St. Leonard's Hospital, and a Roman turf rampart and fortress towers.